Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another day.. and more waiting.

Another day, more waiting for the right person, but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. See rejections not as rejections but as the motivation that makes you keep going because it means that you haven't found the right person yet to represent your book and thats not a bad thing. Right now I feel like I'm going down the long road to that figurative pot of gold but it's all gonna be worth it, and as I said before believing in the story and having some good tunes never hurts.

Also, in terms of the story these days I've been thinking about where certain characters should go later on in the series, aka what their penultimate path is by the end and I've got some ideas.... buuut... that'd be giving away too much.

All I'm gonna say on the subject is it's worth it. I've never had anything like this before and Gwyneran is like nothing Chris and I have ever thought of.  What any author with a great story needs is someone who believes in it as much as you do and that takes the stars aligning in just the right way and just the right moment. Trying to get published feels in some ways like Sisyphus rolling the rock up the hill and then having it roll back down, except it will eventually go over the other side and you'll be free.

It helps to find other things to do, other hobbies while you wait, and mine are more writing, great friends, tv shows, and music(listening to it and playing it)

So in closing to my random musings,
Sail on
Keep the faith
Keep writing
Laissez les bons temps rouler, especially to my NOLA people

1 comment:

  1. You have a really good attitude about "rejection." From the agent's side of this I can tell you that a lot of times when we reject a manuscript, it's not because it isn't good but it's because it's not in our genre, or it doesn't fit the angle we're pursuing, or some element of it just isn't tight enough and we don't have the time to tighten it ourselves.

    I would advise any author who can afford it to work with a professional editor before they submit. Someone like that can help you refine what you have and, what's more, line it up within the conventions the publishing industry looks for.
