Monday, February 11, 2013

How do you keep going?

What up everybody, this is Ian and the topic of the day that I'm pondering is- How do you keep going as a writer in the face of rejection?


No really, it is.

What we've learned so far(on our own and from the experts)--

1. Believe in what you've written, believe in it wholeheartedly and you'll be surprised how many people jump on the project.

2. Writing takes time- and as I and Chris have learned, getting your writing out there takes even more time. The trick is to keep going. If you've got something there, you will get to that point of being published eventually, I wholeheartedly believe it and I know Chris does because we are still on that road, though several things have already fallen our way.

3.  Market, market, market- This includes but is not limited to talking to everyone and anyone who will listen about not only your book but about what they're interested in reading, or if you're doing a script, what they're watching, seeing. This also includes social media, get a twitter and a Facebook, a blog, and eventually a website and be religious about updating them. It's the thing these days.

4. Finally, don't ever give up, there isn't any reason to. If writing is what you love, why stop because a few people aren't all about what you're doing?

A few more additions

Music has and will always keep us going. Get a killer playlist(or ten) on iTunes and Pandora and have at it-- It's a great way to write, as we've found, the type of music depends on what kind of scene you're trying to write( though I favor some good rock and or LOTR/epic music playlists)

If you're at any time at a standstill, draw things from your own experience as far as people and emotions and try applying them to the story you are writing and/or channel your bad emotions into your writing if you're feeling stressed

And finally
Gracias for reading and have an awesome day my friends

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